Tag: AI Policy and Society

Cyborg Soldiers and Bioethics – Marek Rosa interview with GLOBSEC

January 15, 2021 AI Policy and Society

GoodAI CEO Marek Rosa was recently interviewed on the ethical implications of enhanced soldiers on the battlefield by Roger Hilton from GLOBSEC.

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AI compass towards well-being

January 14, 2021 AI Policy and Society

GoodAI's AI Policy & Social Impact Director, Marek Havrda, recently took part in the AI & Happiness Roundtable. In this blog he summarizes some of his thoughts from the meeting.

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Springer Article – AI’s Role in Community Engagement within the Democratic Process

November 20, 2020 AI Policy and Society

New article in Springer Journal by GoodAI's AI Policy & Social Impact Director on Artificial Intelligence’s Role in Community Engagement within the Democratic Process.

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5 ways COVID-19 is changing the future

May 04, 2020 AI Policy and Society

The emergence and global spread of COVID-19 has already changed the world in ways that were unimaginable at the start of the year. However, in many areas, it seems to have sped up changes that were on the horizon anyway.

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9 ways AGI could shape the world for the better

April 20, 2020 AI Policy and Society

The idea of general AI has long captured the imagination of people across the world. But what would society and the economy look like in a world with general AI?

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GoodAI Represents the Czech Republic at the First OECD Network of Experts on AI

March 10, 2020 AI Policy and Society

Recently the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) organized the first meeting of OECD Network of Experts on AI (ONE AI) in Paris, where Marek Havrda, GoodAI’s AI Policy and Social Impact Director,  presented a plan for practical AI.

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Report from the Expert Workshop on International Governance of AI

February 19, 2020 AI Policy and Society

Last week Marek Havrda of GoodAI, Wendell Wallach of Yale University, together with the City of Prague organized a preparatory workshop in Brussels for the 1st International Congress for the Governance of AI.

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GoodAI – Review of 2019 & plans for 2020

People are interested in knowing what our progress was in 2019 and what our plans are for 2020. In this post, you can learn about the highlights of last year and our plans for the future.

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Does the Human Brain Stand a Chance? – conference

May 16, 2019 AI Policy and Society

GoodAI was pleased to collaborate with Tovek , as main expert partner, for their “Does the Human Brain Stand a Chance?” conference which took place this week in Prague.

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Launch of prg.ai — Towards Prague as World Class AI Superhub

May 16, 2019 AI Policy and Society

This morning saw the launch of prg.ai, an ambitious initiative that aims to develop Prague as an AI superhub and help the Czech Republic become a major AI center of excellence in Europe.

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