Tag: LLM

GoodAI LTM Benchmark v3 Released

A Standardization Release: The main purpose of the GoodAI LTM Benchmark has always been to serve as an objective measure for our progress in the development of agents capable of continual and life-long learning.

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Introducing Charlie Mnemonic: The First Personal Assistant with Long-Term Memory

As part of our research efforts in continual learning, we are open-sourcing Charlie Mnemonic, the first personal assistant (LLM agent) equipped with Long-Term Memory (LTM).

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Introducing GoodAI LTM Benchmark

As part of our research efforts in the area of continual learning, we are open-sourcing a benchmark for testing agents’ ability to perform tasks involving the advanced use of the memory over very long conversations.

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HALLM: An Agent that Observes and Acts through a Python Terminal

At GoodAI, we are deeply committed to the advancement of safe AGI. Large language models (LLMs) undoubtedly offer significant power, but on their own, they have limitations — notably, the inability to learn new skills post-deployment. It's here that our.

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Introducing our work on general-purpose LLM Agents

At GoodAI, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence. Our current focus is on the development of Large Language Model (LLM)-based agents with personalities that go beyond simple conversations, and instead exhibit LLM-driven behaviors, interacting with humans.

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Forbes Interview with Marek Rosa

April 14, 2023 AI in GamesInterviewLLM

Why is stopping the development of the OpenAI platform foolish, and why is it unlikely that artificial intelligence will kill us all?

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