Tag: Research

GoodAI Research Roadmap 2021/2022

June 04, 2021 ResearchTechnical blogs

In 2021/22 GoodAI will focus on four core research areas: learning to learn, lifelong (gradual) learning, open-endedness, and generalization / extrapolation of meta-learned algorithms.

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Building a research culture where we share questions and difficulties, not just answers

May 13, 2021 Research

Is sharing where we’re stuck more important to furthering research than sharing the answers we’ve found?

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Using open-ended algorithms to generate video game content in Space Engineers

Dr. Kai Arulkumaran of Araya has received a grant from GoodAI in order to apply open-ended algorithms to generating video game content (such as spaceships and space stations) in the sandbox game Space Engineers.

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Solving generalization and making artificial intelligence curious

April 21, 2021 ResearchTechnical blogs

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)’s School of Computer Science in Pittsburgh are working on a project aiming to make artificial intelligence (AI) more resourceful and curious.

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Bayesian Online Meta-Learning for continual & gradual learning

April 19, 2021 ResearchTechnical blogs

New project aims to create AI that can continually acquire knowledge in different domains as well as utilize past experiences to quickly adapt to new unseen tasks. 

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Goodai enters into research collaboration to progress meta-learning and combinatorial generalization

April 14, 2021 ResearchTechnical blogs

Self-improving artificial intelligence that can learn new tasks from small amounts of data is a crucial step for the advancement of strong artificial intelligence.

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Creating a new framework for multi-agent AI systems

April 12, 2021 ResearchTechnical blogs

Current artificial intelligence is limited in its scope and is far from human-level intelligence. One of the key components missing is learning to pursue multiple goals, ones that are dynamic, changing, and that depend on knowledge acquired from previous tasks.

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A new kind of open-ended environment for a new kind of artificial intelligence

April 08, 2021 ResearchTechnical blogs

If we are to develop artificial intelligence (AI) capable of learning as humans do, it needs to be tested in complex environments just like humans are.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) experiment management script

March 15, 2021 Research

GoodAI's Senior Research Scientist, ‪Jaroslav Vítků has authored a script that can help users script to offload an experiment to cloud compute or monitor the remote status of experiments.

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AI and game testing for European extended reality project (iv4XR)

February 18, 2021 Research

GoodAI has teamed up with 7 other academic and industrial institutions across Europe for the "Intelligent Verification for Extended Reality" (iv4XR) project that was awarded over €3.5 million by the EU Horizon 2020.

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